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27/07/09 23:07:59
Hi i have very very long legs and have difficulty staying in balance with my horse, do you have any suggestions as to what i can do? Many Thanks zac

User name:
Lisa Hamilton

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05/08/09 15:43:19
Zac Hi there, ask William Fox-Pitt is my first answer!!!...I think there is no simple solution...they are of course an advantage in many areas of riding! Ride bigger horses...perfect your gallop seat so your very balanced, make sure you use well fitted saddles with longer saddle flaps where necessary, esp in dressage where long legs can catch the the flap. Hope this helps ;-)

And remember long legs are considerably easier than short legs!

Have fun out there!



User name:
Lisa Hamilton

Email address:

05/08/09 15:48:24
plus shorter or longer in your stirrups, experiment with what feels easier for you...I have long legs and find it easier to ride short as long as horse is off my leg ( as of course they should all be!) but when i ride lazier horses i lengthen them to allow me to use my legs, i notie that my lower leg is less stable thena nd its harder to stay in balance but its a compromise if i need to be able to kick ( i ride a lot of half bred horses)

Work regulary in shortened stirrups and work your half/light seat and /or your gallop seat all the time when your hacking in those winter months. You will find a big difference when you start out XC next year.

Have fun!

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