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28/04/10 20:49:09
My pony is inexperianced at cross country but has competed at several local show jumps. I am going to x/c training this weekend and i was just wondering, how high should i be going, i want her to progress, because she jumps show jumps at 2ft 6 fine, but i dont want her to rap her knees on somthing solid this far in. I know she can do it :D its just a case of wats a safe height for the moment. thanx

User name:
Lisa Hamilton

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28/04/10 21:41:21
Simple dont do anything higher than you usually do and preferably keep it a bit smaller. XC is often more spooky for horses/ponies that arent used to to make sure you both keep your confidence i would aim to jump the smaller xc fences around 2'3 where possible. Some XC fences like ditches and banks arent hig at all but provide a confidence test. I hope you enjoy yourselves.

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